Shane Buckner's Principal Blog

Shane Buckner's Principal Blog

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm back!

It is about time that I started back up on the blog.
There is so much happening in our school and also everywhere in Christchurch educationally.

There is so much change!

But while change is evident all around us this is certainly not a bad thing. For us here at Wairakei, we have had a big change over the last year introducing Hauora Wairakei, our positive behaviour and relationship programme into our school.

Having a focus on restorative practice has meant a mind shift has had to be had by not only staff, but our children and their parents. As a community of learners, we are all engaged in learning about how Hauora Wairakei works and what it means.

Next term, we are planning to hold two parent meetings / workshops to help with the understanding of restorative practise in our school. I am excited about engaging with our awesome community around this. We have made great progress o our journey here in school and want to share it.

Actually we are sharing it. Mike Lynch and Sue Williams are presenting our journey at the International Restorative Practise conference in Melbourne next week.

 All the best Sue and Mike!

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